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Version: 7.9

Error Codes & Actions List

Error Codes and Actions

The following table lists the error codes, alert messages, recommended actions, and log files.

File paths for .log files are:

  • rsmgmt.log: On Windows: install-folder\Resolve Systems\rsmgmt\log\rsmgmt.log On Linux: install-dir/resolve/rsmgmt/log/rsmgmt.log
  • rscontrol.log: On Windows: install-folder\Resolve Systems\rscontrol\log\rscontrol.log On Linux: install-dir/rscontrol/log/rscontrol.log
  • rsview.log: On Linux: /install-folder/tomcat/logs/rsview.log
  • rsremote.log: On Linux: install-folder/rsremote/log/rsremote.log
  • catalina.out: install-folder/tomcat/logs/catalina.out
  • Cron Process Logs: On Windows: Event Viewer > Windows Logs > Application > ResolveCronLogAppender
  • stdout log files: install-folder/rscontrol/log/stdout for RSControl install-folder/rsmgmt/log/stdout for RSMgmt install-folder/rsremote/log/stdout for RSRemote install-folder/tomcat/logs/catalina.out for RSView
Error CodesAlert MessageRecommended ActionLog File Name
E10000Generic Errors
E10001License has expired. Shutting DownContact your sales representative or support for a valid license key.rsmgmt.log
E10002Failed to start RSControlCheck rscontrol.log and see why RSControl is unable to start up correctly.rscontrol.log
E10003Failed to start RSViewCheck rsview.log and Catalina. Out and see why RSView is unable to start up correctly.rsview.log
E10004Failed to start RSMgmtCheck the rsmgmt.log and see why the RSMgmt is unable to start up correctly.rsmgmt.log
E10005Failed to start RSRemoteCheck the rsremote.log and see why the RSRemote is unable to start up correctly.rsremote.log
E10006Licensed IP Address violated. Shutting DownPlease contact your sales representative or support for a valid license key.rsmgmt.log
E10007Resolve License violated for maximum number of coreResolve Actions Pro will shut down in two weeks if the violation is left unresolved.Contact support for a license with more cores.rsmgmt.log
E10008Resolve License violated for Community Edition with Multiple Hosts. Shutting DownActions Pro Community Edition must run all components in one server.

Contact support for a valid license.
E10009Maximum memory limit violated for Resolve licenseActions Pro will shutdown in 2 weeks if the violation is left unresolved.

Contact support for a license with more memories.
E10010Component process id does not match value in the lock fileCheck if the component was started correctly and that no duplicate process exists.rsmgmt.log
E10011Component is running without a lock fileCheck if the component was started correctly and that no duplicate process exists.rsmgmt.log
E10012Component is down but still has a lock fileCheck if the component was stopped correctly and that it did not crash.rsmgmt.log
E10013Component stdout log file cannot be foundComponent is missing its stdout file, it cannot be monitored.stdout log files
E10014Component stdout error detectedComponent stdout error detected.stdout log files
E10015Number of Users limit violated for Resolve licenseActions Pro will shut down in 2 weeks if the violation left unresolved - either delete Actions Pro users or contact support for a license with more end-users.rsmgmt.log
E10016Number of Admin Users limit violated for Resolve licenseActions Pro will shutdown in 2 weeks if the violation left unresolved - either delete Actions Pro users or contact support for a license with more end-users.rsmgmt.log
E10017Resolve license violated for GatewayActions Pro license violated for gateway.rsmgmt.log
E10018RSRemote is unresponsiveRSRemote is unresponsive.rsremote.log, rsmgmt.log,rabbitmq.log
E10019Resolve license deletedActions Pro license deleted.rsmgmt.log, rsview.log
E10020Resolve license violated for High Availability (HA). Shutting DownContact support for a valid license.rsmgmt.log,rsview.log
E10021Resolve Gateway license expiredActions Pro gateway license expired.rsremote.log , rsmgmt.log
E20000Database Errors
E20001DB Gateway failed to load SQL driverCheck if the RSRemote has the gateway turned on and the appropriate DB driver is included in the class path.rsview.log, rsmgmt.log
E20002DB Gateway failed to initialize gatewayCheck if the database connection details is correct and verify connectivity to the database from Actions Pro.rsview.log, rsremote.log
E20003Missing SQL database driverCheck if the DB driver is active in the For Windows, ensure that the service was installed with the driver active.rsview.log, rsremote.log
E20004Failed to initialize Graph DBEnsure that all RSZK(s) are running before starting RSView - check that RSZK is running and able to establish connection from / zk.bat. Contact support.rsview.log, rscontrol.log
E20005The DB Status Check Failed, either due to a failure to connect, or a slow response from the DBCheck if the connection details in RSMgmt are correct and that the DB is behaving normally.rsview.log, rsmgmt.log
E20006Failed to initialize custom tablesCheck if the connection details in RSMgmt are correct and that the DB is behaving normally.rsview.log, catalina.out
E20007Failed to reinitialize HibernateCheck the database and database connection.rsview.log,catalina.out
E20008ESB Heartbeat TimeoutFailed to receive ESB Heartbeat message before timeout - check if RSMQ service is running, if the ESB configuration is correct, and if the network connection between this server and the RSMQ is not down or blocked.rsmgmt.log, rscontrol.log
E30000Scheduler and Execution Errors
E30001Failed to initialize Job Scheduler / CronSchedulerRSControl needs to be restarted and verified that it started correctly.rsview.log, ResolveCronLogAppender
E40000Messaging Errors
E40001Failed to find / initialize receive QueueCheck component is able to connect to RSMQ. Check RSMQ Configuration is using correct IP address.rsremote.log, rabbitmq.log
E50000Gateway and Adapter Errors
E50001Failed to connect to PRIMARY and BACKUP Netcool Object ServerCheck Actions Pro connectivity to the Netcool PRIMARY and/or BACKUP Object Server.rsremote.log
E50002Failed to initialize Remedy GatewayCheck Actions Pro connectivity to the Remedy server.rsremote.log, Netcool Gateway Logs
E50003Failed to connect to PRIMARY and BACKUP TSRM ServerCheck Actions Pro connectivity to the TSRM PRIMARY and/or BACKUP Server.rsremote.log, rsmgmt.log
E60000Security Errors
E60001Failed to connect to Active Directory serverCheck Actions Pro connectivity to the Active Directory serverrsmgmt.log, rsview.log
E60002Failed to connect to LDAP serverCheck Actions Pro connectivity to the LDAP serverrsview.log, rsmgmt.log
E60003Missing resolve.maint authentication fileCheck that the WEB-INF/users/resolve.maint file exists.rsview.log
E70000System and Resource Errors
E70001Low available memoryCheck the memory usage on the component using RSConsole internal/jvminfo. The -Xmx max heap memory may be needed to be increased.rsremote.log
E70002THREADPOOL MAXED for 20mins - no new JMS message have been processedRestart the component that threw this error.rscontrol.log
E80000Metric Threshold Errors
E80001Check metric thresholdsCheck metric thresholds.System Logs
E90000Miscellaneous Errors
E99999Test messageThis is a test error code only.